Articles & Events
Chris has been writing a series of articles for Cyclocross Magazine.
John was quoted extensively in this Bicycling Magazine article about running for cyclocross.
John's advice for busting out of a rut was featured in this Bicycling Magazine article.
Jim was on Over The Top radio in March, 2012. Listen to him talk about coaching, racing and training.
Jim wrote a great article on Training for Ultracycling events.
Chris partnered with JBV Coaching client In the Crosshairs and Fulcrum Coaching to provide a preview of the Harbin Park course in Ohio.
Cyclocross tire pressure tips & tricks, by Chris, for Pittsburgh Cyclocross.
A video preview of the Charm City race, by Chris, in conjunction with JBV Coaching client In the Crosshairs.
Dressing for bad, bad weather, by Chris, for Cyclocross Magazine.
A video presentation of Chris' race bag, for JBV Coaching client In the Crosshairs.
We are partnering once again with Fulcrum Coaching and Jeremy Powers to put on a 'cross clinic August 27-28, 2010 in Maryland.
I wrote a response to a client in 2008 about a nutrition question that was pretty good, finally putting it up here to share.
A blast from the past, this is an article I wrote on coaching in 2002 for a business coaching newsletter.
A short piece on indoor trainer workouts that was published in VeloNews as a sidebar in 2007
Associate Coach Chris Mayhew is coaching a 'cross clinic at Carnegie Mellon University on September 11, 2008
Planning your season, part 2 of a 2 part series for Velo News (March 2007).
Evaluating your season, part 1 of a 2 part series for Velo News (February 2007).
A seminar I'm doing in New York with Frank Overton, here's registration:
A power clinic at Boulder Cycle Sport, Nov 2, 2006:
Training for cyclo-cross, for VeloNews (September 2006).
Preparing for racing in the heat, for VeloNews (August 2006). Page 1 and page 2.
A Cyclocross clinic in VA. Register here:
On precision in training plans, for VeloNews (June 2006). Page 1 and page 2.
From Base to Race, for VeloNews (May 2006).
The ins & outs of post-base interval workouts, along with Ben Delaney rationalizing his milkshake addiction.
Training tips to beat the winter blues, for VeloNews (Feb 2006)
Surviving 2005 35+ Cyclo-cross nationals, for VeloNews, with fellow competitor Jon Gallagher (Feb 2006)
A while back on, someone asked about motorpacing
Plenty of people have an opinion on crank length. Here's another.